Thursday, July 20, 2006

Record Numbers of People Volunteering

According to Beth Walton, writer at USA Today, incredible numbers of college graduates are volunteering to help those less fortunate than themselves. Events such as 9/11, Hurricane Katrina and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the devastation, despair and destruction they have caused are playing a big part in the reason why.

Applications to Teach for America, which recruits graduates for underserved urban and rural areas, hit almost 19,000 this year, nearly triple the number in 2000.

• This year, the Peace Corps took 7,810 volunteers — the largest number in 30 years — from more than 11,500 applicants in 2005, up more than 20% over the year 2000.

• AmeriCorps*VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America), which pairs recruits with non-profit organizations, has had a 50% jump in applicants since 2004.

Many of the people who are joining say they are doing it because they want to put their activism into practice - by getting directly involved, not just through politics.

But they’re also helping themselves while helping others, because employers view such time spent in service programs - whether overseas or at home - with increasing favorability, and see candidates as more motivated, mature and resourceful.

To read the entire article, click this link.

There are many ways that you can improve your chances of getting the perfect job after your term of service. What are your career goals? What do you see as the “perfect” job? Note to VISTA Alumni: If you were able to leverage the skills you learned as a VISTA into getting a great job, please post here about it, and share any tips with current VISTA members.

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