Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Is the "Milllenial Generation" Going to Change the World?

I just read an expiring article in the Arizona Republic about younger kids - dubbed the "Millennial Generation" (remember, you heard it here first - well, okay, second!) that are willing to get their hands dirty and volunteer, to make the world a better place.

Remember my post a few days ago about "social capital" and how Americans are becoming increasingly disconnected from our friends, our family, our neighbors and society as a whole? (By the way, to those of you who took the initiative and asked to join my network on LinkedIn and Plaxo, thanks! Glad to meet you!)

Anyway, according to this article, kids are starting a new trend - they're beginning to volunteer in record numbers at younger ages than ever before.

Part of this could be because most colleges and universities now require community service hours for graduation and so volunteerism is becoming a part of our every day lives again - but I'd also like to believe it's because this generation believes that one person can make a difference, and they're willing to make an effort to do something about the problems they see.

Anyway, it's a great article, and well-worth reading whether you work with kids or not at your project site. You can find it by clicking on this link:

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