Friday, November 30, 2007

Attention Winners of the Workbook - Please Read!

Okay everybody - if you are one of the 7 lucky winners of the special event planning workbook, I need you to send me an email so I've got your email address. Syd and I spent an hour trying to find a couple of you - and because we've got 0ver 500 people registered, we decided this would be faster!

So, if you posted a comment in the blog earlier about why you wanted to win a copy of the book, you won! Send me an email (in case you don't know the address - and I don't want to get slammed with spam, so here's the code: it's my name with a period between the two and then "G" mail.)

As soon as I get your email, I'll forward it to Syd, she'll send you the release and we'll get you your copies of the workbook.

Oh, and just so you know, I just added 15 more pages to it, because I thought of some other worksheets you will be able to use!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Cheryl and Syd

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