Sunday, September 10, 2006

Did you ever play a game called "telephone" when you were little?

Do you remember that game? It was usually played at parties when I was growing up. Everybody would sit or stand in a circle, and one person would whisper a "secret message" in the person's ear who was standing next to them...and that person would whisper to the next person, and so on and so on...

Today we have a new version of the game - it's called social networking. Places like "myspace", You Tube, even the badly maligned "friendster."

But it works on the same concept - I tell you something, you tell someone else who tells someone else, and so on and so on.

Does it work? I'm going to try an experiment to find out. Here's how: I've created a very unscientific poll on the Activist Guide Website. (You can find it here: ).

I ask the question - Did 9/11 have an effect on your life in terms of you wanting to make your mark or make a difference? Do you volunteer more now?

So, I'm inviting you to play the new version of telephone with me...go take the poll, and then tell just one person about it.

Pass it on...

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